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Communication Devices


With flexible working now top of the agenda for most businesses, Splicecom's softphones allow your workforce to handle phone calls seamlessly from home, in the office, or anywhere.


          Splicecom Softphones allow you to use your PC as a fully featured business phone with a headset,

           or USB deskphone.


          Splicecom iPCS Smartphone App for Android and Apple iOS.


Splicecom have partnered with Yealink, the world's leading SIP phone manufacturer, to deliver a wide range of telephony devices on SelectVoice solutions, including:


          Yealink Desk Phones - Bluetooth and WiFi options


          SelectVoice Phone Partner - Providing PC control of Yealink desk phones alongside Microsoft      

          integration features, including Highlight and Dial and Outlook Contact dialling


          Yealink DECT cordless - Local base station or full site roaming coverage


          Yealink Audio Conference Devices


          Yealink Teams Video Solution

                                                              From the Yealink T31 to the Yealink T58